It’s already a tradition …
… to have our “end-of-year review” – at least according to the standards of our (project-) hometown Cologne, where a local proverb says:
“The first time was us testing something new, the second time round it’s already a tradition, and from the third time onwards it is a venerable custom.”
In November, after a very busy year, we could proudly announce the completion of the manuscript for the first volume of the print edition with the capitularies for 814-840.

Festive season 2019: Candles, lebkuchen – and the manuscript of the first volume of the new edition.
2020 will see us busily preparing the manuscript for print. The volume will be published in the MGH-series Capitularia regum Francorum, Nova series, in all likeliness in 2021.
Furthermore, 2019 saw three members of the Capitularies-project finish their doctoral theses. The works of Patrick Breternitz (Pepin the Short and the law) and Georg Heinzle (Flames of strife – Interpretations of the Carolingian Civil War in the 9th century) are in preparation for print already. Dominik Trump’s work on the transmission and reception of the Epitome Aegidii was submitted in October. Congratulations to all three of them!
Meanwhile, our website offers a new feature in the “Tools” section: Since June, our collation tool has been made available to all users, allowing to easily compare the text of any capitulary transcribed so far.
Over the course of 2019 members of our project journeyed to several archives and conferences, including the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, the anniversary colloquium of the MGH in Munich, the academy programme conference Mittelalter im Fokus, the IMC in Leeds and the workshop “Books of Law in the very long tenth century” in Vienna. We’d like to thank all hosts and organizers!
As per usual, selected observations and discoveries from our work on the digital edition continued to be published in the sections Manuscript of the Month and Capitulary of the Month.
We wish all users a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2020.
The Capitularia-Team