Capitularia - Edition of the Frankish Capitularies

Capitularia goes IMC Leeds 2024

This coming week sees the 31st edition of the International Medieval Congress in Leeds. As in previous years, the Capitularies Project will again be contributing to this year’s event. 1 July, 7 – 8 pm: ANNUAL EARLY MEDIEVAL EUROPE LECTURE: MORE THAN CANON LAW: COLLECTING AND USING CANONES IN EARLY MEDIEVAL EUROPE (Language: English) Steffen […]

Job vacancies and current events

As of September 1st and November 1st respectively, we are looking for new colleagues to join our team to work on the new edition of the capitularies. Detailed descriptions of the positions can be found on H-Soz-Kult. On March 23rd and 24th the conference “Legal manuscripts of the 8th and 9th centuries” – organized by […]

Workshop in Wolfenbüttel

The semester break is traditionally the time for conferences. This gives two project staff members the opportunity to present their research. At the workshop “New Approaches to Early Medieval Legal Manuscripts: Canon Law and Secular Law – Neue Zugänge zu frühmittelalterlichen Rechtstexten: Kirchenrecht und weltliches Recht”, organised by Dr. John Burden at the Herzog August […]

IMC Leeds 2019

Between the 1st and 4th of July 2019 the city of Leeds will host its 26th International Medieval Congress. Last year Sören Kaschke and Britta Mischke represented the Capitularia project at the 25th IMC with the presentation of their papers. Four members of the project will be presenting the results of their research at this […]

Workshop on the occasion of the 1250th anniversary of Pippin the Short’s death

Pippin the Short (751/752-768), the first Carolingian king, died on 24th September 768. On the occasion of the 1250th anniversary of his death, an international workshop will take place at the University of Cologne on September 24th – 25th. The conference is open to the public; registration is desired, but not mandatory! Go to the […]

IMC Leeds 2018

On 02 – 05 July the International Medieval Congress took place at Leeds, celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Two members of the Capitularia project were presenting papers: Sören Kaschke: Rewriting Histor(iograph)y: The Annales Petaviani (Session 348: Minor Annals, II: Problems and Perspectives; Organisers: Sören Kaschke and Bart Jeremy van Hees, Departement Geschiedenis en Kunstgeschiedenis, […]

Kolloquium am DHI Paris im Februar 2017 – Bericht

Ein Tagungsbericht zum Kolloquium “Die Sprache des Rechts / La langue du droit” (DHI Paris, 21.-22. Februar 2017), das das Capitularia-Projekt in Kooperation mit dem Leibniz-Projekt CompHistSem und dem DHI Paris veranstaltete, ist am 20. Mai 2017 bei HSozKult veröffentlicht worden. Link zum Bericht auf HSozKult Link zum Tagungsprogramm / DHI Paris

Colloquium “Language of the Law” at the DHI Paris (21-22 February 2017)

The Capitularia Project is organizing an international colloquium on the subject of “The Language of the Law. Historical Semantics and Carolingian Capitularies” in cooperation with the Leibniz Project Computational Historical Semantics (University of Frankfurt), the German Historical Institute Paris and the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts. Time: 21-22 February 2017 Place: […]

Capitularia auf der DHd-Tagung in Bern

Auf der Tagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd) (13.-18. Februar, Bern) zum Thema “Digitale Nachhaltigkeit” wird die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie des Capitularia-Projekts in einer Posterpräsentation vorgestellt: Maßnahmen zur digitalen Nachhaltigkeit in Langzeitprojekten – Das Beispiel Capitularia (im Rahmen der Posterausstellung am Donnerstag, 16.02.2017, 16.15 -18.00 Uhr) Daniela Schulz Bergische Universität Wuppertal; Universität zu Köln Franz […]

Anstehende Vorträge und zugleich: Farewell

Unsere Projektmitarbeiterin Daniela Schulz ist in den kommenden Tagen auf zwei DH-Tagungen mit eigenen Vorträgen präsent: – 28. September 2016: “Building a collaborative editorial workbench for legal texts with complex structures” auf der TEI-Konferenz (Wien; zusammen mit Nils Geißler und Marcello Perathoner vom CCeH) Zum Tagungsprogramm – 7. Oktober 2016: “Of general and homemade encoding […]