Capitularia - Edition of the Frankish Capitularies


We are happy to announce that since February 1, 2022, the Capitularia project has a new student assistant: Maximilian Lange. Welcome to the team!


The number of presentations and lectures of the members of our team has been limited by the effects of the ongoing pandemic. In 2022, however, there will be several events, which we would like to inform about.

On February 18th, Dominik Trump will present the Capitularia project at the workshop “‘Papsturkunden ohne Ende’ – Datenbanken ohne Ende? Datenverarbeitung – Interoperabilität – Gemeinsame Lösungswege” in Esch-sur-Alzette in Luxembourg. His presentation is titled “Capitularia. Die Hybridedition der Kapitularien zwischen digitaler und klassischer Editionstechnik”.

Our PhD student, Dominik Leyendecker will present at the international conference “Norms of Dependency in Late Antique and Early Medieval Societies” at the University of Bonn. The conference is organized by the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS). He will give his lecture on April 1st about “Penal law and servitude in the capitularies (750–840)”, presenting results from his ongoing dissertation project.

Simultaneously, Dominik Trump will give a lecture titled “Die Kapitularien Ludwigs des Frommen und die Handschrift Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Lat. 4788” at the conference “Die Historischen Grundwissenschaften zwischen Materialität und Digitalität” at the University of Heidelberg. He will present the special features of the edition of the capitularies, which have survived in the Paris manuscript, and will discuss working with multispectral images.

On April 27th-28th, our project leader, Karl Ubl, and Dominik Trump will present the Capitularia project in a section on hybrid editions at a workshop in Mainz that focusses on digital editions.

In the beginning of September, we will have home-field advantage: The 43rd Kölner Mediaevistentagung on “consensus” is coming up. Dominik Leyendecker will present another aspect of his dissertation project: Marriages of the unfree in a lecture titled “Die Unfreihenehe und Konsens im karolingischen Recht (ca. 740–850)”.

Further information on the above-mentioned conferences as well as other papers and presentations will be published here as well as on Twitter.