On 02 – 05 July the International Medieval Congress took place at Leeds, celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.
Two members of the Capitularia project were presenting papers:
Sören Kaschke: Rewriting Histor(iograph)y: The Annales Petaviani
(Session 348: Minor Annals, II: Problems and Perspectives;
Organisers: Sören Kaschke and Bart Jeremy van Hees, Departement Geschiedenis en Kunstgeschiedenis, Universiteit Utrecht)
Britta Mischke: Tracing the Origins of Capitulary Collections: The Manuscript Evidence
(Session 1149: The Whole Is More than the Sum of Its Parts: Studying Medieval Legal Compilations;
Organiser: Daniela Schulz, Graduiertenkolleg 2196 “Dokument – Text – Edition”, Bergische Universität Wuppertal)

Abb.: Visualization of capitularies contained in Italian collections (referenced by BK numbers; colours according to a temperature scale with blue = oldest and red = youngest capitularies); from the presentation “Tracing the Origins of Capitulary Collections” (© Capitularia/CCeH)