Capitularia - Edition of the Frankish Capitularies

New publication

The first volume of the new edition of the Frankish capitularies has now been published!

© AWK/Engel-Albustin

Its two parts contain 56 numbers by Louis the Pious and his son Lothar I from the years 814-840. The Latin text of the capitularies is accompanied by a critical apparatus and commentary, but also – for the first time – by a German translation. Detailed introductions explain the historical circumstances, dating, legal content, likely addressees and the overall character of each text. Of course, the often complex transmission situation of the texts and their surviving witnesses is thoroughly discussed as well. Indices help to unlock the volumes’ content further with separate lists for Latin words and expressions (incl. names), sources, incipits and manuscripts.

On September 16th, the North-Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts organised a symposium in Düsseldorf under the title “Der Vielfalt Raum geben? Recht und Normierung in der Karolingerzeit” to celebrate the publication of the new edition.

Participants and guests of the symposium (© AWK/Engel-Albustin).