Capitularia - Edition of the Frankish Capitularies

Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Can. 7

Manuscript description according to Mordek

Can. 7
Siglum Ba2
Origin and history

11. Jh., etwa Mitte; Freising.


Provenienz: Dombibliothek Bamberg (bis 1803) (Einband); dortige Signatur: C. 23; weitere alte Signatur: P. I. 13.

Physical description
Material: Pergament
Number: 250 foll.
Size: 380 × 260-268 mm
Body text: 310 × 200 mm
Buchstabenkustoden nur zu Beginn des Codex
Lines: meist 49 Zeilen
Columns: 2
Script: karolingische Minuskel
Scribe(s): mehrere Hände

Orangerote Rubriken in Capitalis rustica und Minuskel. Foll. 179r N und 210r A in feiner Umrißzeichnung.


Die Hs. tradiert - neben der Lex Baiuvariorum - vor allem die Collectio XII partium; dort ist am Ende des 3. Buches als c. 273 inkorporiert (verwandte Codd.: Berlin Savigny 2, München Lat. 18583, Lat. 19414 und Wien 2136):

  • 69ra-70ra
    I-LXXV - Capitulare monasticum III (a. 818/819?), ohne cc. 42, 67 und 75: Capitula quę secuntur hludovuicus gloriosus princeps cum communi consilio ac pari uoluntate abbatum a regularibus conseruari decreuit. ANNO incarnationis domini nostri iesu christi DCCCXVII conseruari decreuerunt. Vt abbates mox ut ad monasteria sua redeant - in ipsorum maneat arbitrio (CCM 1, S. 515-535, Sigle H3; stärker nach Benedictus Levita: MGH Capit. 1, Nr. 170, S. 344-348).

    Es folgt als cc. LXXVI-LXXVIII der gleiche Anhang wie in den oben genannten Überlieferungen: Formulae extravagantes II, 30-32 (MGH Formulae, S. 570).

Project-specific references:


Editorial Preface to the Transcription



Symbols used Meaning
· ˙ : .' /
·,· :/ , ; ∴
Punctuation (as used in the mss.)
* Footnote (text of note appears on mouseover)
Bold type (words, phrases) Rubrics, headings; differently rendered by using another font or other visual features
Bold type (single letters) Initials
Red Use of coloured ink (of any kind)
[xyz] Uncertain reading, text hard to decipher
[…] Illegible text. The number of dots indicates the (estimated) number of characters missing
††† Deleted text. The number of crosses indicates the (estimated) number of characters missing
[†] Place holder for deleted, non-reconstructable passages (without indication of estimated number of characters missing)
- - - Space left blank intentionally within a line in the ms.
[!] sic
| Line break
[BK 139 c. 1] Reference to the Boretius/Krause edition
[fol. 123r], [p. 123] Page break (fol. or p.) or column break in the ms.
Annotation signs (e.g. nota signs)