Capitularia - Edition of the Frankish Capitularies

München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 4353

Manuscript description according to Mordek

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Lat. 4353
Siglum M14
Digital image available at Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Origin and history

16. Jh. (Sammelband); St. Ulrich und Afra, Augsburg.


In St. Ulrich und Afra, Augsburg, vorgenommene Abschrift der beglaubigten Kopie, die der Kaiserliche Notar Wilhelm von Hohenheim aus Konstanz am 1. 4. 1500 in Form einer besiegelten Notariatsurkunde vom Originalrotel Colmar, Archives du Haut-Rhin, Grand Document N° 139, verfertigt hatte (foll. 39r-45r). Alte vorläufige Signatur Schmellers in München: Aug. S. Ulr. 53.

Physical description
Material: Papier
Number: 133 foll. (1-51, 60-115, 70a, dazu zahlreiche leere Blätter)
Size: 320 × 210 mm
Body text: 255 × 155 mm
Lines: 34
Columns: 1

Rubriken, Initialen und Text in dunkelbrauner Tinte.


Eine Kopie dieser Blätter der Münchener Hs. hat der aus St. Maximin in Trier stammende Cod. Trier, Stadtbibliothek, 1626/401 (17. Jh.), foll. 1377-1385, bewahrt.

  • 40r-44v
    Statuta capitularia per totum ordinem sancti Benedicti = Actuum praeliminarium synodi Aquisgranensis commentationes sive statuta capitularia Murbacensia (a. 816), d. i. eine kommentierte Mitschrift jenes Aachener Synodaltextes, den Ludwig der Fromme wenig später in modifizierter Form als Kapitular (= Capitulare monasticum I) bekanntmachte (CCM 1, S. 441-450).

Project-specific references:


Editorial Preface to the Transcription



Symbols used Meaning
· ˙ : .' /
·,· :/ , ; ∴
Punctuation (as used in the mss.)
* Footnote (text of note appears on mouseover)
Bold type (words, phrases) Rubrics, headings; differently rendered by using another font or other visual features
Bold type (single letters) Initials
Red Use of coloured ink (of any kind)
[xyz] Uncertain reading, text hard to decipher
[…] Illegible text. The number of dots indicates the (estimated) number of characters missing
††† Deleted text. The number of crosses indicates the (estimated) number of characters missing
[†] Place holder for deleted, non-reconstructable passages (without indication of estimated number of characters missing)
- - - Space left blank intentionally within a line in the ms.
[!] sic
| Line break
[BK 139 c. 1] Reference to the Boretius/Krause edition
[fol. 123r], [p. 123] Page break (fol. or p.) or column break in the ms.
Annotation signs (e.g. nota signs)