Capitularia - Edition of the Frankish Capitularies

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, A 26

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, 89

Manuscript description according to Mordek

Siglum Be
Origin and history

9. Jh., Anfang (Mordek), 9. Jh., 1. Drittel (Bischoff); wohl Elsaß (Mordek, Bischoff).

Bibliotheca Bongarsiana (Signatur f. 2.3 [fol. 1r oben]), vgl. Cod. Bern, A 5, p. 9: II. Class. MS. Patres. II. 3.: I. Conciliorum Tomus magnus .f.
Physical description
Material: Pergament
Number: 3 einst zum ersten Quaternio von Bern, Burgerbibliothek, 89 gehörende foll., heute separat aufbewahrt
Size: 355 × 230 mm
Body text: 280 × 175 mm
Lines: 25 Zeilen
Columns: zweispaltig
Script: schöne, große karolingische Minuskel

Orangerote Rubriken meist in Unziale, größere Rubriken in Capitalis, rot oder rot und braun wechselnd

  • Notitia Galliarum (MGH AA 9, S. 579, 584-612; zur Hs. S. 564 Nr. 12 [nahe verwandt mit Cod. Bern 645]; nach Cod. A 26 ed. Sinner, Catalogus codicum MSS. Bibliothecae Bernensis 1, S. 532-538); Apograph von der Hand Bongars’ in Cod. Bern 141, Nr. 325b.

    Laterculus provinciarum imperii Romani (MGH AA 9, S. 535-542; zur Hs. S. 512 Nr. 12 [nicht benutzt]; ohne die Provinzen Galliens).


Editorial Preface to the Transcription



Symbols used Meaning
· ˙ : .' /
·,· :/ , ; ∴
Punctuation (as used in the mss.)
* Footnote (text of note appears on mouseover)
Bold type (words, phrases) Rubrics, headings; differently rendered by using another font or other visual features
Bold type (single letters) Initials
Red Use of coloured ink (of any kind)
[xyz] Uncertain reading, text hard to decipher
[…] Illegible text. The number of dots indicates the (estimated) number of characters missing
††† Deleted text. The number of crosses indicates the (estimated) number of characters missing
[†] Place holder for deleted, non-reconstructable passages (without indication of estimated number of characters missing)
- - - Space left blank intentionally within a line in the ms.
[!] sic
| Line break
[BK 139 c. 1] Reference to the Boretius/Krause edition
[fol. 123r], [p. 123] Page break (fol. or p.) or column break in the ms.
Annotation signs (e.g. nota signs)