Capitularia - Edition of the Frankish Capitularies

Collation Tool

The collation tool allows users to compare different textual witnesses with each other, including the text of the edition by Boretius and Krause.


  1. Select capitulary and section (the „+“ symbol can be used to select further capitularies and sections).
  2. In the list of textual witnesses, select those to be included in the collation; the textual witness at the top will serve as reference text for all subsequent textual witnesses. The sequence of all textual witnesses can be rearranged freely.
  3. Click on „Collate“ to generate the collation table.
  4. In the collation table, the reference text that provides the basis for the comparison can be changed at any time by drag and drop. The collation will adapt automatically.

Deviations from the reference text appear in black print. Hovering the mouse over a line in the collation table will highlight that line in yellow for an easier orientation.

If „Include corrections by different hands“ is selected, manuscripts that contain such corrections appear a second time in the list with the addition „(corrected)“, even if no such corrections are actually present in the selected section.

If a textual witness contains the same section twice, the shelfmark is followed by „(2. copy)“.

The selected settings can be saved via „Save Configuration“ and later called up again via „Load Configuration“. The collation table can be printed by using the browser’s print function.

In order not to obscure the collation table with too many inconsequential variants, differences in orthography (ae/e/ę, i/j, u/v; upper and lower case) are not highlighted as variance; additionally the punctuation has been removed. Illegible letters are represented by periods with the number of periods signalling the number of missing letters. Letters in square brackets signify an uncertain reading or text that is hard to decipher.